Amuseables Rose Bouquet


The Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in red, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.

*Maximum of 1 per order, please.
  • Dimensions: 11.75 x 6.75in x 2.25
  • Sitting Height: 11.75”
  • Main Materials: Polyester
  • Inner Filling: Polyester Fibers, PE Beans
  • Embroidered Eye


  • Tested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages.
  • Suitable from birth.
  • Sponge clean only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine.
  • Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.